2022 Member Survey Results

2022 Member Survey Results

Membership, SJ WOMEN GIVE
Over the summer, we conducted a member survey to learn more about our members: how long they’ve been part of Impact100, what motivated them to join and renew, and how they want to be engaged with committees and each other. Many thanks members who responded and provided detailed comments.  Among those who responded, we have a fairly even mix of members who initially joined in each year we’ve been around – going back to those charter members from 2017. What most influenced members to join were leveraging their donation to have more impact (78.46%) and being part of a community of like-minded women (80.6%). More than half (59%) also noted the flexibility to be as involved as they choose.    Serving on Committees Among those who responded, 72% serve on a committee, with most serving…
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Share Your Love Of Impact100 South Jersey

Share Your Love Of Impact100 South Jersey

Membership, SJ WOMEN GIVE
We want to go viral!  Are you on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn?  You can help by showing your friends, family and colleagues how proud you are to be part of Impact100 South Jersey.   Here's how:  Print an Impact100 South Jersey flyer. Shoot a photo of yourself holding our flyer.Post it on your favorite social media platform(s).IMPORTANT:  Include "@impact100sj" in your message so we can see & share it! Click here to download a PDF of our PROUD MEMBER FLYER.
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