
Our DEIB Principles

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging


Impact100 South Jersey stands together to ensure that all interested women feel welcome to join and participate as they choose, creating an inclusive environment that promotes belonging for all. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB) are shared values of the members of Impact100 South Jersey; we believe that each person brings their unique life experiences and perspectives that advance our collective giving mission. 
Our commitment to DEIB extends to a regular review of our grantmaking practices and the relationships we seek to build with the local nonprofit community. We strive to center DEIB practices in all aspects of our work and make our results felt by our community through our high impact grants.


  1. We strive to demonstrate our commitment to DEIB by examining our operating guidelines, policies, and principles through this lens, and to drive governance practices that enhance inclusion, impact, and results.
  2. We seek to amplify the voices of our members and grantees in a safe environment, and to identify and reduce bias and negative impact.  We act with openness, self-reflection, acknowledgement, and accountability for change.  We commit to continuously evolve and grow, recognizing that we will make mistakes & correct them along the way.
  3. We seek to raise awareness and provide DEIB education to our members through varied touchpoints. We collaborate with and learn from our grantee partners and others in our community.
  4. We encourage courageous conversations about all aspects of DEIB, and listen to our friends, colleagues, and community members with open minds. We educate ourselves and, individually and collectively, seek to continuously improve the consistency and efficacy of inclusive thinking, words, and actions.