We have found that our most fulfilled members are those who volunteer for our many committees. The detailed committee descriptions below can help members identify other ways they’d like to contribute to our transformative mission.
If you are a renewing member who would like to change or recommit to a committee, click here or email the committee chair at the address included in the committee description.
Members are vital to the success of Impact100 South Jersey. Committee members formulate strategies to recruit new and renewing members and to plan and staff member information sessions and social events. This committee also works with members to better understand their experience with and ideas for Impact100 South Jersey
The Work: Detailed planning and coordination, contacting members and potential members.
Skills & Experience Most Helpful: Planning, detail orientation, relationship building, creativity, communication.
This committee is most active between August and December. Meetings are held frequently during this time, and most are virtual. Information sessions for potential members are typically in person events, and members of this committee attend when available.
Intersection with Other Committees: The Membership Committee works most closely with PR/Communications, Resource Development and Finance & Administration.
Committee Chairs: Hala Shawaf Barson & Jo Ann Morgano
How to get involved: email membership@impact100sj.org
Events Committee
Committee members plan and execute “The Big Reveal” in January when we gather all members to announce our membership total for the year and the Annual Meeting in June, our largest event. The Annual Meeting is attended by grant finalists as well as members. This Committee plans and manages the myriad pre- and post-meeting logistics for these two major events.
The Work: Detailed event planning, assembling any gifts or materials to be distributed, registering members and guests at check in at events, serve as hosts along with Leadership Council members at all events, etc.
Skills & Experience Most Helpful: planning, detail orientation, problem solving, creativity.
This Committee is most active in the Fall to plan for the Big Reveal and from early Spring through June for the Annual Meeting. Most meetings are virtual until we get closer to these events, at which point members may meet in person prior to the events and as frequently as needed. Meetings are generally held every two weeks in the months prior to a major event.
Intersection With Other Committees: The Events Committee works most closely with Membership, PR/Communications and Grants.
Committee Chair: Jill Sayre Lawlor
Vice Chair: Lindsey Feuer
How to get involved: email events@impact100sj.org
Non-Profit Outreach (NPO) Committee
The role of the Non-Profit Outreach Committee is to strengthen connections with the non-profit community in the four counties we serve (Camden, Burlington, Gloucester and Cumberland). We do this by building relationships between Impact100 SJ members and its grantees, both current and past. Committee members work with our grantees to identify and promote news, updates and ways to become more involved to our members. We also support the grant review committee in promoting our grant availability more widely to the nonprofit community.
The Work:
- Building our relationship with the nonprofit community and expanding the number of organizations we reach to ensure our grant opportunities are promoted in the four counties we serve.
- Managing our nonprofit database to ensure that news of our grant opportunities is reaching the appropriate nonprofit representatives.
- Sharing updates with Impact100 SJ members about how our grants have made an impact for our grantees.
- Identifying and promoting opportunities for members to become more involved and informed about our grantees. Planning an annual “Beyond the Check” event to bring members together with grantees and promote volunteer engagement.
Skills: Willingness to roll up sleeves and get involved, problem solving, creativity, and attention to detail.
This Committee is active year round. Quarterly meetings are held virtually during the daytime.
Intersection With Other Committees: This committee currently works most closely with the PR/Communications, Finance, and Grant Review Committees.
Chair: Valerie Buickerood
How to get involved: email volunteer@impact100sj.org
Core Mission Grant Finance
Committee members review the financial information provided by grant applicants to ensure they meet our eligibility criteria. This is the first step in the annual grant process.
The Work: Reviewing audited financial statements provided by potential grant applicants.
Skills & Experience Most Helpful: Members do not need to have accounting experience but should be familiar with basic finance and accounting concepts and be comfortable using spreadsheets. Members will need to review balance sheets and profit and loss statements and compare them to established criteria.
This Committee is most active in December and early January. Meetings are virtual. Members attend several meetings and mainly work individually between meetings to review financials.
Intersection With Other Committees: The Events Committee works closely with Non-Profit Outreach and Grant Review.
Chair: Judith Robinson
How to get involved: email grants@impact100sj.org
Core Mission Grant Review Committee
The Grant Review Committee is responsible for reviewing and evaluating grant proposals submitted to Impact100 SJ from eligible local non-profit organizations. Each grant proposal is reviewed by one of three Focus Area Committees (FAC): Women, Children and Families; Education; and Community Health and Wellbeing. Each Grant Review Committee member will be given the opportunity to choose which FAC they would like to serve on.
The Work: Reviewing and evaluating grant proposals; attending and participating in three mandatory meetings; attending optional site visits. All FAC members will receive a grant review outline to guide them through the review and evaluation process as well as training at the first meeting.
Ability to devote time and objectively review grant proposals; ability to attend three mandatory Focus Area Committee meetings and participate in group discussions regarding grant proposals; desire to learn more about non-profit organizations by attending site visits (not mandatory). No grant review experience is required. No experience with budgets is required.
This Committee is most active February through May, and members must attend all three meetings. The first meeting will take place in February and is a training session lasting approximately one hour. FAC members will receive their focus area’s grant proposals in March and have approximately three weeks to review them. The number of proposals varies from year to year. The second mandatory meeting will take place in late-March/early-April. At this meeting, FAC members will discuss their prior review of each proposal and decide which proposals they would like to learn more about by attending a site visit with the sponsoring non-profits. The number of site visits varies from year to year and attendance is not mandatory. Following the site visits, each FAC will hold their third and final mandatory meeting in early-mid May, at which they will discuss the findings from the site visits and choose one proposal as their focus area finalist. The time commitment for the second and third mandatory meetings will vary based on the number of proposals under discussion and the amount of discussion, but they are typically about 2 hours.
All meetings and site visits will be in-person. In previous years, the three FAC meetings were held in locations in Voorhees, Mt. Laurel and Moorestown. Two of the Focus Area Committees typically meet in the evenings and the third during the afternoon. The exact dates and meeting locations are to be determined.
Intersection With Other Committees: The Grant Review Committee coordinates with the Grant Finance Review Committee which reviews the financial standing of each proposed applicant to determine financial eligibility. Only those non-profits deemed eligible by the Grant Finance Review Committee will be invited to submit a proposal.
Committee Chair: Ronda Urkowitz
How to get involved: email grants@impact100sj.org.
Small Grant Review Committee – Community Hero’s Grant
The Small Grant Review Committee is responsible for reviewing and evaluating grant applications submitted to Impact100 SJ from eligible local non-profit organizations. The Leadership Council has designated $30,000 to be divided equally to 3 nonprofits with annual budgets under $500,000. Eligible nonprofits must be providing services in Burlington, Camden, Cumberland, or Gloucester Counties.
The Work: Reviewing and evaluating grant applications using a new online grant management software system. Reviewers will receive virtual training on how to use the software the last week in March 2024. Reviewers will be assigned an equal number of applications. They will have 30 days (April 1-April 30, 2024) to complete the process and submit their recommendations to the Small Grants Committee Chair.
Skills & Experience Most Helpful: Ability to devote time and objectively review grant proposals. Ability to work independently and are comfortable using computer software. Desire to learn more about non-profits organizations. No grant review experience is required.
Intersection With Other Committees: The Small Grants Review Committee is a subcommittee of the Small Grants Committee.
Committee Chair: Rosemarie Parker
How to get involved: email smallgrants@impact100sj.org
Communications & PR Committee
Committee members work to communicate with members and to generate exposure for Impact100 South Jersey through traditional print, radio and television media as well as social media. This Committee is responsible for our website and designs tools and methods for communicating with members, grantees and the broader public to make the impact of our work visible and valued.
The Work: Identifying media opportunities, developing and executing strategies for member communications and social media, etc.
Skills & Experience Most Helpful: Prior experience in some aspect of marketing, public relations and/or electronic communication is strongly preferred. The work of this Committee will benefit from your knowledge of social media for organizations and brand building, organizational skills, relationship building, and ability to work independently.
This Committee is active throughout the year and is especially active in the Summer and Fall months when we are working to encourage new and renewing membership, encouraging non-profits to apply, and after grants are awarded at the Annual Meeting. This Committee meets more on an ad hoc basis and members work on initiatives independently or with others as appropriate. Time commitment can be flexible.
Intersection With Other Committees: This Committee works closely with all others as well as with the Leadership Council.
Chair: Ellen Ragone
How to get involved: email communications@impact100sj.org
Resource Development
Committee members work to secure corporate and other sponsorships that allow Impact100 South Jersey to offset our administrative costs, member recruitment and member engagement activities. Committee members manage our sponsor relationships and help ensure that they benefit from their support through exposure and recognition.
The Work: Proactively reaching out to sponsors and potential sponsors to build relationships and encourage their support for our mutual benefit.
Skills & Experience Most Helpful: Prior experience in sales, marketing, and general business administration. Strong communication and organizational skills are needed.
This Committee active throughout the year.
Intersection With Other Committees: The Resource Development Committee works most closely with the Membership and Events Committees and with the Communications/PR Committee.
Co-Chairs: Ellen Ragone & Diane Ridgway
How to get involved: email sponsorship@impact100sj.org