
Community Heroes Grants

Application Deadline: March 24, 2024

Our mission at Impact 100 SJ has always been to harness the collective giving power of women to make a lasting impact in our community. Now, we’re excited to announce an important new step in our journey — the launch of the Community Heroes Grant. These grants are designed to provide crucial support to smaller nonprofits doing remarkable work in South Jersey. As we continue to grow and expand our grant opportunities, we hope to reach more deserving organizations throughout our region.

Nonprofits that are not yet large enough to be eligible for our transformative $100,000 Core Mission grant, but who we know are making critical contributions to South Jersey are now eligible for a portion of our collective giving funds. This is a way for us to empower more organizations and give them an opportunity to make transformational change in their local communities. It is also a way for us to broaden and strengthen our relationships with the non-profit community. 

The unrestricted operating grants will amplify the work of nonprofit organizations operating on budgets of $500,000 or less. The Community Heroes Grant is a natural complement to our Core Mission grant program which focuses on organizations with operating budgets between $300,000 and $5,000,000. 

Grant Eligibility Requirements

Organizations must be a 501 (c) (3) located in and serving residents of Burlington, Camden, Cumberland or Gloucester Counties. Applicants must have an operating budget of less than $500,000 and have filed 990s for the last two years. This grant is not available for political or religous organizations.

The Application Process

For nonprofits that meet the eligibility criteria, the application period for the Community Heroes Grant opens on January 11, 2024. The deadline for submitting applications is March 24, 2024. From there, each application will be reviewed by our Small Grants Review Committee which will recommend finalists. The recipients will be voted on by the general membership in advance of our June Annual Meeting and announced at the event.

Grant Info Session Presentation

This presentation includes details for our 2024 $100,000 Core Mission grant and new Community Heroes small grants. 

Click here to view presentation.