Toni Farmer joined Impact100 in our second year after having coffee with a founding member who introduced her to the power of women’s collective giving. As the Director of Development and Marketing at Urban Promise in Camden, she had written grants to Impact100 Philly. But it wasn’t until she learned about and joined the South Jersey chapter that she realized the importance of camaraderie among fellow members. “There’s a lot of excitement in meeting other women doing good things together. Doing good is contagious. It’s thrilling.”
She helped us grow our 2020 membership by sharing the thrill of women’s collective giving with her book club. We’re grateful that Toni enjoyed the experience enough to bring Impact100 South Jersey to the attention of other local women who want to be part of the meaningful philanthropic work our members are doing.
Impact100 is part of Toni’s annual tithe, which she says she gives with joy. “The focus on the organizations that have a history and are doing hard, long-term work for the underserved is consistent with what I value as a practicing Christian.”
As a development professional, Toni also appreciates that large grants like the $100k Impact100 core mission grant are really hard to come by. “Large grants like that can change the landscape of South Jersey for years. They can be a real gamechanger.”
Toni’s first love Urban Promise, like other nonprofits, has closed its school and limited its operations. They’ve also had to cancel their big spring fundraisers, but Farmer notes that their food pantry is still open. It’s an important way they continue to serve the families they work with.
Another of Toni’s loves is gardening. The pandemic has given her the opportunity to launch a new website where she provides tips and secrets to growing a wide variety of fruits and veggies in your own back yard. Check it out at tonifarmersgarden.com.