Karoline Moxham has lived in Medford for 20 years. She is married with two sons, Donald, and Doug. Along with working full-time as a commercial lender for WSFS, Karoline is very involved in philanthropy and volunteering in South Jersey. Her husband works in wealth management.
Karoline joined Impact100 SJ because she loved the mission — women gathering resources together to help the community. Karoline joined three years ago and is a member of the Grant Review Committee. Hearing about Impact100 SJ from a friend, she checked out the website and attended an information session and joined shortly thereafter. She plans to continue with Impact100 SJ since she feels very connected to it, and WSFS has now joined as a corporate sponsor, thanks to Karoline.
Karoline’s two sons are on the autism spectrum. Her oldest, Donald who is 22, attends College Internship Program and Berkshire Community College in MA. He’s working on obtaining his associates degree in acting and at the same time, learning independent living skills. Her youngest, Doug is 19 years old and attends Drexel University.
Dealing with her sons’ autism spectrum challenges lit a spark in her to give time and money to others in need. She was a board member for three years with the SJ/Central NJ Chapter of the American Heart Association, has walked for autism awareness and is looking to be of service to a local autism organization.
Karoline is a very dedicated volunteer and philanthropist. She is also a member of SJ Women in Business (SJWIB) and the SJ chapter of the National Association of Women in Business Organization (NAWBO). She is the board secretary for both organizations. SJWIB is a women’s networking group that also supports non-profit organizations that help women in business. NAWBO SJ provides support, education, mentoring and networking opportunities for women business owners and their associates.
All of Karoline’s current volunteer projects, especially Impact100 SJ, represent her desire and willingness to get involved in women’s organizations and to ‘give back’ to local charities.