
Member Spotlight: Jane Martin

When Jane Martin first heard about Impact100 SJ from neighbor and founding member Kim Moon, she knew it was a perfect fit for her. While Jane has a long history of community service, the unique characteristics of Impact100 were a real draw for her.

Jane has been involved in the food program at the Cathedral Kitchen in Camden for eleven years, and now serves as a Meal Captain. She’s come to love many of the clients she serves, and looks forward to seeing them weekly. While COVID-19 has required that meals now be distributed as “takeout” rather than the usual communal sharing inside the facility, Jane continues to oversee the process during her shifts as meal captain, enjoying the interaction with her clients.  

“The food insecurity in our area continues to be a huge problem and goes beyond those who are homeless. I enjoy the opportunity to get to know some of our clients, with whom I’ve forged lasting friendships. When one of our longtime guests, who I really loved, died a few years ago from hypothermia, I was heartbroken. I wish we could have done more to help him.”  

Jane’s volunteer work relating to food goes beyond the Cathedral Kitchen.  She also serves on the board of the Haddonfield Farmers Market, enjoying the opportunity to promote healthy eating by bringing fresh produce to local residents.  

But let’s get back to Impact100’s unique characteristics that Jane finds so appealing.  “I really enjoy learning about the good work so many non-profits in our served area are doing.  I wouldn’t otherwise gain such broad awareness were it not for my involvement with Impact100.  And the feeling of camaraderie shared among like-minded women who care deeply about their communities and want to make an impact – that is priceless.”

Jane is a Charter Member of Impact100 and became actively involved as a volunteer her first year, serving on the Women, Children and Families focus area grant review committee. As a member of that committee Jane had the opportunity to vet grant applications from non-profits and make recommendations on which organization would become a finalist in this category.  “As a member of a grant review team, I found it very gratifying to have such a hands-on opportunity to participate in our grant recipient selection process.”

Jane describes herself as a life-long learner with a voracious appetite for reading and learning about other cultures. She attributes this to growing up in a family that encouraged curiosity. Jane and her English husband Chris have been married for fifteen years and are avid travelers. France, Italy and Spain are among their favorite countries, and they look forward to the time when they can once more travel to distant lands.  

Jane worked for many years in the garment industry selling industrial textile machinery. This position afforded her the opportunity to travel throughout the US, as well as Central America. After then working in a local law firm for several years, as well as in real estate development Jane retired in 2010 and never looked back!

“I’m a very passionate woman!  My mantra is life is short; savor each moment.”