
MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: Donna Siegel Moffa

Donna Siegel Moffa has a long history of involvement in non-profit organizations.  And when she heard about Impact100 SJ from friend Elizabeth Mangino Wallace, she immediately knew it was an organization she wanted to join.   

“I was drawn by the notion of women doing something collectively to have a significant local impact. Women aren’t always recognized for their philanthropic efforts. I saw Impact100 SJ as a way to expand local women’s philanthropic reach and amplify the message that we can and do make a difference in our communities.”

Donna became a member of Impact in 2019, and the timing was perfect for her. She had recently completed a term as President of the Cathedral Kitchen Board of Directors, on which she served for 10 years, and was looking for a new opportunity to get involved in the local non-profit community. While president, Donna oversaw the expansion of the Cathedral Kitchen’s operations to include a café and commercial food contract services, giving the organization the ability to generate income and help sustain its services beyond ongoing fundraising efforts. Donna is especially proud of this achievement and its impact.

Donna’s involvement with food as a means of supporting communities in need began 27 years ago, when her women’s church group made casseroles to donate to families in Camden. And while teaching CCD at St. Pius (now Holy Eucharist) Catholic Church in Cherry Hill, Donna and her students made sandwiches that were provided to guests at Cathedral Kitchen to take home. She later regularly facilitated efforts of high school students volunteering at Cathedral Kitchen meal services. It is important, Donna believes, for young people to be involved in outreach to those who are less fortunate and so, she has sought to foster opportunities for them to do so.

In 2021 Donna became involved in the grant review process, serving on both the Grant Finance Committee and the Grant Review Committee for the Education focus area. “I was so impressed by the committee members’ diversity of expertise and experience. Our different perspectives, critical thinking and thorough review and evaluation guidelines were critical to our process.”

Donna holds a BS in Political Science from Mt. Holyoke college and a JD from Georgetown University Law Center.  More recently she earned a Masters of Public Administration from Rutgers University – Camden. Most of Donna’s law practice has centered on plaintiff representation in class action suits involving consumer protection issues. This year she was appointed to the Board of the Camden Center for Law and Social Justice, which provides immigration and domestic violence law services that, at this time, also include efforts to assist Afghan evacuees/refugees at a US government facility in New Jersey. “It’s always been important to me to work in support of the underserved, in both my professional and personal lives.  I hope to have a sustaining impact, whether on a family, non-profit organization, or policy level, and Impact100 SJ provides a perfect opportunity to continue to do so.”

Donna and her husband Lou have been married for 39 years and live in Haddon Township. They have 2 sons and 2 grandchildren. They enjoy running, spinning, yoga and spending time at their beach house in Ocean City, New Jersey.