Catherine Allen-Carlozo has been a member of Impact100 South Jersey since 2019. She had heard from several members she knew about how Impact100 South Jersey was making a difference in the community. However, attending the annual meeting and watching the grant awards process convinced her of the true power of the organizations.
“It is one of the few organizations I know that has such a collective drive that each one of us feels like we made a huge difference with our contribution. It has a purposeful goal of how the recipient applies for the grant, what it will be used for, and how each member votes on the final awards. We know that our donation will be utilized the way it was intended. Many large organizations are not transparent about where the donations go. Impact100 has clarity and intention,” according to Catherine.
Catherine held her own member drive in Glassboro, Gloucester County, which resulted in a few new members. She misses the in-person gatherings but knows that Impact100 South Jersey’s mission continues to move forward. “I look forward to continuing my membership because I know the energy and inspiration of being with the other members feeds my spirit,” said Catherine.
In addition to her interest in Impact100 South Jersey, Catherine considers herself a “space geek” who just bought a telescope to watch the International Space Station when it travels above the Earth at 17,500 mph. “One of my biggest passions is watching the Navy Blue Angels perform. The speed, jet noise, and precision in their performances get my adrenaline flowing!” she added. Maybe, in the not too distant future, Catherine will start another Impact group in the beyond.
Thanks, Catherine, for all you do for Impact100 South Jersey!