Community Heroes Grant Update
As we tread through our first year of the new Community Heroes Grants, we’re pleased to share that we received 39 applications from small nonprofits not currently large enough for our $100,000 Core Mission Grant. The Community Heroes Grant Review Committee, made up of 25 members, is reviewing these grants just completed their training and now the work begins. The goal is to whittle the field down to 6 organizations that our members will vote on before the Annual Meeting. We will announce the $10,000 grant recipients that night.
We want to thank members of the Small Grants Committee and the Leadership Council for their work crafting this brand new opportunity to double the number of South Jersey organizations we fund. We’d also like to thank those who have helped us enter a new era with online grant software and our online grant application process.
Core Mission Grant Update
Work also continues for our Core Mission Grant. Our three Focus Area Committees have been trained and have begun meeting to discuss and debate the merits of each of the 13 applicants that passed financial review. Each focus area will arrive at semi-finalists and then visit each to see their mission in action. From that process, committee members will arrive at the three finalists we will hear from and vote on at our June 12th Annual Meeting. If you can’t attend the Annual Meeting, don’t worry! We’ll provide an opportunity for early voting to ensure your vote is counted.
This is an exciting new year, and we thank our Grant Finance Review , Core Mission Grant Review and Community Heroes Grant Committees for embracing the most important work we do — which is award transformative grants to organizations serving our local community.
Annual Meeting registration is now open for members, sponsors and guests. If you know South Jersey women who’d like to be part of the fastest growing form of philanthropy, invite them to attend our most exhilarating night of the year!