The 1st step of the grant application process has begun. Our Grant Eligibility Application is now available here on our website. It is the first of several steps that nonprofit organizations applying for our grant must take.
2020 Grant Eligibility Application Deadline:
January 3, 2020
Organizations eligible to apply for a grant from Impact100 South Jersey must:
- Be tax-exempt under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code, independent of a financial sponsor
- Be headquartered in and serving residents of Burlington, Camden, Cumberland or Gloucester Counties
- Have at least 3 full years (36 months) of audited financial statements
- Have an annual operating budget above $300,000 and below $5,000,000
- Have a mission and/or programs or services that fit one of Impact100 South Jersey’s three Focus Areas:
- Arts and Culture: projects/organizations that strive to improve participation in the arts or arts education, or that promote civic engagement or education in cultural endeavors.
- Women, Children and Families: projects/organizations that strengthen the lives of women, children, (including teens) or families
- Education: projects/organizations that advance or improve access to learning opportunities for children, teens or adults
Organizations that meet the eligibility requirement will be invited to submit a full proposal for the Impact100 South Jersey $100,000 grant.
Grant Eligibility Application Deadline: January 3, 2020