Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Did you participate in the grant review process, the financial review process or both? *Grant Review OnlyFinancial Review OnlyBoth Grant & Financial ReviewHow satisfied were you with your experience on the Grants Review committee? 5 - Very Satisfied4 - Satisfied3 - Average2 - Unsatisfied1 - Very UnsatisfiedHow satisfied were you with your experience on the Financial Review Committee?5 - Very Satisfied4 - Satisfied3 - Average2 - Unsatisfied1 - Very UnsatisfiedWas the three meeting grant review format of 1) training 2) proposal discussion and 3) finalist selection effective? *YESNOWere the materials provided for proposal review useful? *YESNOWere the materials provided for financial review useful? *YESNODid you find Google Docs adequate for reviewing proposals? *YESNODid you find the non-profit financials spreadsheet provided for review useful? *YESNOWhat do you recommend changing about the financial review process?Do you plan to join Impact100 South Jersey again for the 2019 grant cycle? *YESNOUndecidedAre you planning to serve again on a Grant Review Committee? *YESNOUndecidedWould you be interested in taking a more active role in the grants review process? *YESNOUndecidedAre you planning to participate in the financial review process next year? *YESNOUndecidedIs there anything you'd like to share regarding your grant review experience or improvements that can be made?NameSubmit